mythological art
mother nature
there is but one truth.
it is reflected to us through all that is alive, all that is living
and all that has lived.
the truth that we all come from the seed,
we all come through the womb,
and we all live by nature's law.
the law that gives us what is real,
what is valid and what is true.
just look at a tree, a bird, an insect and there you will find no lie.
gaze into a pool of water, into a fire, and into the sky
and there you will find no belief.
feel the breeze, the breath of our great mother, listen - she always speaks the truth.
the truth that it rains on all of us,
the sun shines on all of us.
and that nature can only do what nature does,
which is to love everything.
it is reflected to us through all that is alive, all that is living
and all that has lived.
the truth that we all come from the seed,
we all come through the womb,
and we all live by nature's law.
the law that gives us what is real,
what is valid and what is true.
just look at a tree, a bird, an insect and there you will find no lie.
gaze into a pool of water, into a fire, and into the sky
and there you will find no belief.
feel the breeze, the breath of our great mother, listen - she always speaks the truth.
the truth that it rains on all of us,
the sun shines on all of us.
and that nature can only do what nature does,
which is to love everything.